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Cambria Orchid 'Nelly Iser'
Cambria oncidopsis x Burrageara 'Nelly Iser'
This exquisite orchid looks like something out of James Cameron’s 'Avatar'
This particular orchid is a cultivar bred in a greenhouse. The orchids creator named it after his wife, Nelly Iser.
'Nelly Iser' boasts deep pomegranate red blooms. The five petals that make up the crown of the orchid are elongated, where the lower petal is bodacious and full, speckled and stripped leading to a yellow centre. Their bright patterned blooms are reminiscent of untouched jungles. In the Northern Hemisphere we suggest placing your Orchid near a window that is North West facing. You can place them on shelves, desks and in your bedroom.
If you have a nice warm bright spot in your house and can increase the surrounding humidity. You probably will not struggle with this orchid!
- Blooms appear deep red in cooler temperatures
- Low water requirements makes this a more of a set it and forget it plant
- Bright colours and exotic patterns
- The Cambria orchid, like most orchids is an Epiphyte
- Easy when you follow the care tips
Cambria Orchid 'Nelly Iser' Care Guide
Place your Cambria orchid in a shaded spot where it will receive plenty of bright indirect light or filtered light
Water sparingly in the winter, a little as every fortnight. Your plant is dormant and will not be actively growing. The soil should be damp to the touch not sopping and should never dry out. In the spring and Summer or once blooms have appeared, increase the watering
Provide cool temperature in the Autumn and Winter season, 10 to 15 °C. And during the day in Spring and summer keep the temperature warm from 21 to 24 °C
Cabria orchids prefer organic fertilizer. Use an organic orchid fertilizer and reduce does on package by half. Do not fertilize in the Autumn or Winter
Separate the pseudobulbs after blooming. We recommend using a mix of coco coir, sphagnum moss and orchid bark mix. You want to achieve a soil that is well-draining and allows airflow at the root zone. The Cococoir will help to retain water and nutrients. Hydrate the root zone and media for easy removal. And plant into fresh damp soil. This can be done every 12-24 months after the plant has lost its blooms
Cut away faded stems after the blooms have finished their life cycle. Make the cut at the base of the stem
Cambria Orchid 'Nelly Iser' General Information
The Cambria Orchid is not a naturally occurring species. In facet the species has developed through cross breeding of different orchids
Typically blooms in the Winter and the Spring when the temperatures drop. Blooms appear deep red in cooler temperatures. Unlike other orchids, Cambias don't bloom twice on stems
Yes, this toxic and not safe for consumption

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If you find the same plant at another online shop for a better price, we will match it.**Exempt are online garden centers and DIY markets and sales offers.

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