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Dragon Tree 'Warneckii'
Dracaena Deremensis 'Warneckii'
The enigmatic 'Dragon-Blood' Plant!
A legend says that this plant was named 'Dragon Tree’ because when the bark or the foliage are cut, a red coloured resin is expelled! This was believed to be the dried blood of dragons, and it had healing properties.
Dracaena Deremensis Warneckei is a gorgeous plant with ridged stems which give way to shaggy heads of stylish foliage. They are set close together, branching off from a central stalk, which makes them look nice and full.
This striped dracaena has a very distinctive blade-like foliage with bright green leaves and white stripes.
- According to evolutionary psychologists, plants with narrow trunks and large, overhanging canopies are thought to inspire feelings of safety, because they recall our ancestral home on the Savannah.
- Dragon Trees have been identified by NASA as some of the best plants to purify the air.
- Dragon Trees are easy to care for and tolerant to droughts and underwatering. We think you can’t go wrong with one of them, even if you are a new plant parent!
Dragon Tree 'Warneckii' Care Guide
Place your Dragon Tree in moderate to bright indirect sunlight. It can also thrive in office settings with fluorescent lighting.
Allow the top few inches of the soil to dry out between waterings. Avoid overwatering, as it can lead to darkening of the leaves.
Keep your Dragon Tree in a warm environment, ideally between 16°C and 24°C.
During the growing season, feed your plant with a weak liquid fertilizer to promote healthy growth.
Wipe the leaves with a clean damp cloth to remove dust and keep them looking fresh.
Dragon Tree 'Warneckii' General Information
Tropical Africa
While it can reach heights of up to 1.5 to 2 meters, its slow growth rate ensures it won't outgrow your space too quickly.

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If you find the same plant at another online shop for a better price, we will match it.**Exempt are online garden centers and DIY markets and sales offers.

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On orders over £85.