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Heart shaped Satin Pothos
Scindapsus Pictus
One of the most beautiful Heart-shaped members of the Pothos trailing family!
Gorgeous heart-shaped satin leaves with white-silver markings of softer ends, their variegation is subtle, and each leaf looks like a painted piece of art.
A vigorous trailing plant ideal for hanging pots or to trail from a shelf. Their trails can grow up to 3 m in length!
Easy-to-care-for, air-purifying qualities, one of our favourite oxygenating houseplants!
They will help keep your home Air Clean and create a relaxing atmosphere that will make you feel renewed as you walk inside the room!
- Fun Fact: Pictus (from its Latin name Scindapsus Pictus) means 'painted' and is in reference to its silvery variegation
- Resistant to low light levels and thrives in humid spaces
- Did you know? Plants can help reduce levels of cortisol in our brains and help us to relieve symptoms of stress and anxiety
- Also known as the Silver Vine, Silver Cloud, Silk Pothos and Silver Philodendron
Fill your home with green hearts and the purest oxygen! These trailing plants will make your home a Green Paradise in no time.
Heart shaped Satin Pothos Care Guide
Keep in a moderately well-lit room; not shady but not in bright light either. They can resist low light levels, although they may lose their variegation
Wait until it is slightly dry before watering again; too much water will cause their delicate roots to rot. Consider misting its leaves instead
Keep warm in general. They can cope with about 15°C for short periods
Apply a weak general purpose fertiliser during the summer
If it is getting too gangly, cut back straggly ends and it will grow more consistently
Thrives in Humid spaces. If the tips of its leaves are browning, it could be because the room is too dry. This can be resolved by popping it on top of a tray with damp pebbles
Heart shaped Satin Pothos General Information
Southeast Asia
Trails can grow as long as 3 metres and fairly fast-growing!
Keep away from nibbly pets and children

Price Match Guarantee:
If you find the same plant at another online shop for a better price, we will match it.**Exempt are online garden centers and DIY markets and sales offers.

Free Shipping
On orders over £85.