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Zebra Plant
Aphelandra Squarrosa Dania
This Brazilian plant will be your new tropical favourite!
The Zebra plant is native to the south of Brazil and they are the best when it comes to humidifying the atmosphere and filtering toxins in the air. The Zebra plant received this name because of its unique dark green leaves with white stripy veins.
The plant is not difficult to care for, but for more inexperienced gardeners, it can be a challenging - but valuable - project. They are perennial plants and can live long lives if looked after correctly. It climatises well in the UK’s lower temperatures. Indoor plants also accelerate the transpiration process cleaning the air. NASA studies revealed that indoor plants reduce impurities and bacteria by 50 to 60% with tropical plants being some of the most effective.
We recommend extra attention in the first weeks and a quick response to any signs of stress. This will help you get used to how the plant behaves and how to best look after it.
- Perfect plant to give your love to
- Plants are known for improving air quality
- In our office this plant was the talk point number one as it is a little diva, once watered in 30min its back to happy!
Get yours now!
Zebra Plant Care Guide
The Aphelandra s prefers bright light but, avoid direct sunlight in the summer
Keep the soil moist and don’t let it dry in between watering but make sure it is not wet
These Aphealandras are originally from Brazil and are used to warmer climates. The ideal temperature is between 15 and 23 ºC, in the colder months, it’s a good idea to keep them indoors
During the growth season, feed it twice a month with a fertiliser that is suitable for foliage and flowers
If you notice that the flowers have begun to die, remove them. After blooming, cut back your plant to allow new growth to come through
Being from tropical areas, it does enjoy humidity. If you don’t have a home humidifier, place it with other green friends to increase moisture
Zebra Plant General Information
The Zebra Plant is Native to southern Brazil
During the growing season, it blossoms beautiful yellow spikes from its golden bract that can reach 4 inches in length
In its natural habitat, it can grow up to 7 feet tall and 3 to 5 feet wide. As an indoor plant, with the correct care, it’s unlikely to grow as big
They are not toxic to humans or pets but their sap can be irritating for those with sensitive skin. Use gloves when touching it

Price Match Guarantee:
If you find the same plant at another online shop for a better price, we will match it.**Exempt are online garden centers and DIY markets and sales offers.

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On orders over £85.