The Bloombox Club Team have been plant hunting for the coming months and we can’t wait to show you what’s in store.
Every few months we venture to the world’s most exciting hub of plant cultivation and meet new growers, experts and people who are just as passionate about plants as we are.
By nature, the plant world is an international community, which pulls in everyone from (actual) plant hunters who search for new varieties in the depths of tropical rainforests, exporters from across the globe and the world’s most esteemed plant biologists. As retailers we bring yet another perspective on plants but we all share a core interest in the wonders of nature.
Over the course of this trip, we met a passionate collector and grower of Calatheas, with the most extensive collection of the wonderful patterned foliage plants that we’d ever seen, and perhaps the Netherland’s most notorious succulent grower, who had grown up in the business and is still excited about what he does. We talked variegated Monsterras with a plantspert who has been trying to stabilise the rare, white flecked plant for nearly a decade (and he's getting closer ...).
It’s a waiting game
We have some major plant crushes on varieties that won’t be sold for years to come – either because crops are yet to reach maturity or because the species are yet to be stabilised.
We’re so used to buying commodities that can be mass produced at will, that there’s something thrilling and humbling about being at the will of nature rather than machines.
Why are these relationships so important?
Bloombox Club believes in getting to the source of where our plants come from. The more people we talk to the further up the chain, the greater control we have over quality, the greater number of new species we can gain access to and the better prices we can negotiate for you!
It also gives us a much better insight into the ethics of the growers we work with, so we can find out how they ensure their international partners look after their labourers properly and work with plants in a way that's ecologically sustainable.
Thank you for being with us on this journey of discovery, we hope you’ll stay with us as we