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The Green Room

From plant care tips and videos to wellbeing articles, our blog is full of bitesize information that will help you take care of plants - and of yourself

La cura di sé è l'opposto dell'egoismo
Chiariamolo una volta per tutte: prendersi cura di sé non è egoistico, è essenziale! Sappiamo quanto sia difficile iniziare una nuova routine quan...
Why Top-Heavy Plants Make Us Feel Safe
You've probably experienced the emotional uplift of being in nature, whether that's climbing a mountain, hiking in woodland, or just visiting your...
How To Combat FOMO As Lockdown Eases
Oh Lockdown… what a strange time it has been! With vaccine numbers rising, pubs and shops opening and restrictions easing, the end is finally in s...
In che modo il colore influenza l'umore?
La tua casa è un posto che ti solleva il morale e ti fa sentire a tuo agio? Hai un soggiorno che ti fa sentire al sicuro, una camera da letto che t...
Discover the Benefits of Aomori Hiba
Revered in Japan, Aomori Hiba is an ancient and slow-growing cypress tree whose wood has been used for centuries in the construction of temples and...
Would you work from home forever?
As many as 74% of companies will allow employees to work from home beyond the pandemic, say management experts Gartner. Tech giants facebook, Google and Twitter have all publicly announced an expansion of their pre-lockdown home-working privileges, with the latter saying workers will be allowed to remain at home forever. 
The Wellbeing Benefits of Indoor Plants
All houseplants improve health and wellbeing, but different characteristics draw out different benefits. Psychologist and Bloombox Club founder, h...
Swiss Cheese Plant : The Ultimate Care & Benefit Guide
The Cheese plant also known as the Monstera deliciosa has been at the forefront of the houseplant resurgence, with homes across the UK adopting the...
Best Plants for Productivity, Concentration and Mood
The UK has amped up its plans to reduce the spread of coronavirus, with schools and offices across the country closing indefinitely, public transpo...
Doing Good Does You Good
Random Acts of Kindness day dares you to break out of your self-protective bubble and do something altruistic. This could be as small as letting someone off the train before you or paying for a stranger’s coffee. 
Could this hobby save a generation?

A wave of research has been published on the value of getting kids involved with gardening, with some schools and local authorities setting up allotments and gardening schemes in response. Esteemed childhood psychologists, such as Montessori and Steiner, have championed the value of young people interacting with plants, for at least 100 years.  

Forest Bathing Explained: Benefits, Research, How to Do It
At its core, forest bathing entails immersing yourself in nature and consciously engaging with elements of the natural landscape. It can be as simple as spending time with nature and absorbing the atmosphere of the forest, and as complex as an expertly-led series of activities by a forest bathing practitioner.