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The Green Room

From plant care tips and videos to wellbeing articles, our blog is full of bitesize information that will help you take care of plants - and of yourself

Decorazioni di Capodanno con le tue piante da interno
Nuovo anno, nuova te! Anche se potresti aver preso delle ottime risoluzioni per il nuovo anno per te stesso, potrebbe essere il momento di pensare ...
Un'intervista con Eve Chase
Per celebrare il recente successo delle ultime uscite dell'autrice del club del libro Richard & Judy Eve Chase, abbiamo collaborato con Penguin...
Come dividere le piante in vaso e i germogli
Condividiamo la nostra guida passo dopo passo sulla propagazione delle piante per aiutarti a dividere con successo le tue piante in vaso. Lascia ch...
I cambiamenti mentali necessitano di cambiamenti ambientali
C'è un motivo per cui le strutture di riabilitazione portano i residenti fuori dalle loro routine quotidiane e in un ambiente completamente nuovo. ...
La pianta che ha ispirato Louboutin
Dopo una lunga assenza, Bloombox Club è orgoglioso di reintrodurre la Begonia maculata, una rara pianta da fogliame con foglie bicolore e caratteri...
Diary of a Plant Hunter
If you’ve ever stopped and wondered where your houseplants come from and how they come to be, there’s no story more satisfying than that of Smit Kw...
Houseplants for Balconies, Terraces and Covered Gardens
A word of caution before you bring you unroot your entire plant collection: most houseplants lap up warmth and light, but will shrivel in direct sun. Similarly, some plants are either too fussy or too delicate to risk moving from the spot they’ve adapted to. While an Areca Palm could get caught in a sudden summer rainstorm and be fine, a Calathea or Orchid might be gone for good. 
Would you work from home forever?
As many as 74% of companies will allow employees to work from home beyond the pandemic, say management experts Gartner. Tech giants facebook, Google and Twitter have all publicly announced an expansion of their pre-lockdown home-working privileges, with the latter saying workers will be allowed to remain at home forever. 
How to Arrange Hanging Plants
Somehow, no matter how many plants we collect, we always manage to find space to put them. There is always a space on a shelf, a spot on the count...
Best Plants for Productivity, Concentration and Mood
The UK has amped up its plans to reduce the spread of coronavirus, with schools and offices across the country closing indefinitely, public transpo...
Could this hobby save a generation?

A wave of research has been published on the value of getting kids involved with gardening, with some schools and local authorities setting up allotments and gardening schemes in response. Esteemed childhood psychologists, such as Montessori and Steiner, have championed the value of young people interacting with plants, for at least 100 years.  

How Can Plants Improve Workplace Productivity?
The correlation between plants and productivity has a strong evidence base, but are we any closer to finding out why it exists?