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The Green Room

From plant care tips and videos to wellbeing articles, our blog is full of bitesize information that will help you take care of plants - and of yourself

6 piante insolite per ravvivare lo sfondo del tuo Zoom
Se ci avessero detto lo scorso gennaio che avremmo trascorso la maggior parte dell'anno a casa, non ci avremmo creduto. Con un pizzico di speranza ...
Indoor Plants & Light with Mama Botanica
Light is an essential source of energy for plants. Without sunlight, your plant won't survive for long, but too much can cause your plant's leaves ...
Le migliori piante da appartamento per la tua pelle
Dopo un inizio di settembre super caldo, l'autunno si sta finalmente stabilizzando, il che significa vestiti migliori, cioccolata calda e forse una...
Irrigazione 101 con Mama Botanica
Sei sicuro di annaffiare correttamente le tue piante? L'acqua è una delle principali fonti di nutrienti per le tue piante, fallo nel modo giusto e ...
In che modo il colore influenza l'umore?
La tua casa è un posto che ti solleva il morale e ti fa sentire a tuo agio? Hai un soggiorno che ti fa sentire al sicuro, una camera da letto che t...
La pianta che ha ispirato Louboutin
Dopo una lunga assenza, Bloombox Club è orgoglioso di reintrodurre la Begonia maculata, una rara pianta da fogliame con foglie bicolore e caratteri...
Diary of a Plant Hunter
If you’ve ever stopped and wondered where your houseplants come from and how they come to be, there’s no story more satisfying than that of Smit Kw...
Houseplants for Balconies, Terraces and Covered Gardens
A word of caution before you bring you unroot your entire plant collection: most houseplants lap up warmth and light, but will shrivel in direct sun. Similarly, some plants are either too fussy or too delicate to risk moving from the spot they’ve adapted to. While an Areca Palm could get caught in a sudden summer rainstorm and be fine, a Calathea or Orchid might be gone for good. 
How to Arrange Hanging Plants
Somehow, no matter how many plants we collect, we always manage to find space to put them. There is always a space on a shelf, a spot on the count...
A Guide to Snake Plants: Care and Benefits
Snake Plant is an umbrella term for a range of plants in the Sansevieria genus. Notable varieties of Snake Plant include the Mother-in-Law's Tongue...
A Guide to Calathea Roseopictas: Care & Benefits
In our eyes, plant care is a two-way street. You take care of your plants by giving them nutrients, light and water; they take care of you by reduc...
Everything you need to know about Sansevierias
The Sansevieria genus is wide-ranging, but each variety is known for its hardiness. Although most succulents are drought tolerant, not all of them adapt well to indoor environments.